Christmas Cactus

Posted by Cocoyard Garden Supply on

The Christmas cactus is named after the Christmas season, but its origin is a mystery. Some believe it originated in Mexico, while others believe it originated in the tropical regions of Brazil and Colombia. The Christmas cactus is a member of the Schlumbergera family, which originated in the Andes of South America. These plants have small, waxy leaves and tiny red-colored flowers. When the flowers are in full bloom, they look like Christmas ornaments.

The Christmas cactus is one of the easier types of cacti. It requires only minimal care, so they are recommended for beginner gardeners. They are relatively easy to grow in cold climates. Therefore, they are used indoors in temperate regions all year around.

In contrast to the Thanksgiving cactus, Christmas cacti have rounded indentations on the sides of their stem joints. They bloom in late fall, however, and are often mislabeled as Christmas cacti. Christmas cacti like poinsettias start blooming when they receive 12-14 hours of complete darkness each night. To keep them growing throughout the year, water sparingly and keep them in bright indirect light.

The Christmas cactus is a scientifically significant plant. As a xerophyte it is remarkably adapted to the conditions of its natural environment, growing as it does in South Africa's coastal winter rainfall area where temperatures can often fall below freezing point. Having evolved millions of years ago from tropical ancestors, the Christmas cactus has been genetically modified over time to flourish in chilly, low-light conditions.

Care of Christmas Cactus

Help in caring for a Christmas cactus can be a little bit confusing because there are a few different ways to care for a Christmas cactus. The term Christmas cactus is used in two different ways. You have the well-known holiday plant that many people grow, but then you also have the Thanksgiving cactus (or Thanksgiving cactus). The Christmas cactus is a very hardy plant and can tolerate both cold and hot temperatures quite well. Perfect care is still necessary to keep your holiday plant healthy.


There are some helpful caring suggestions for your Christmas cactus.

  • Cooler Temperatures Are Required for Christmas Cacti to Thrive

If you live in a climate that experiences cold winters, then you should keep Christmas cacti away from the heat of radiators and fireplaces. Christmas cacti should be kept in a room that’s between 60- and 70-degrees Fahrenheit.
  • They Need Indirect but Bright Light, Not Direct Sun

To give your Christmas cactus the best chance of survival, place it in a partially shaded area of your house (or outside, once summer hits), and rotate it every once in a while.
  • You Got to Make Sure Your Christmas Cactus Is Rested

If the buds on your cactus haven't set yet, it will require 12–15 hours of complete darkness per day. Cacti flourish in bright light only once their buds have set.

  • Misting Is Much Better Than Watering

Christmas cactus needs to be watered about every 7 to 10 days during the winter months and about every 14 days during the summer. Christmas cactus should not be overwatered. If its pot becomes larger, it needs water.

  • Christmas Cacti Need Soil That Is High in Nutrients.

Christmas cacti are hardy plants and can survive in tougher soils, but for best results, you should use well-drained soil that’s partially organic. If you regularly add compost to your garden, you can also regularly add it to your Christmas cactus.


Tips For Christmas Cactus Health: Avoiding Problems

  • If you want to enjoy your Christmas cactus for a long time, make sure it gets the correct amount of light and darkness throughout the year.

  • Don't overwater your Christmas Cactus. If you do, the leaves will droop and fail to bloom.

  • If you want to keep your Christmas cactus alive, don't give it too little water.

  • Place it someplace that is some amount of indirect sunlight but no direct sunlight.

  • Avoid putting the plant in areas that get overheated, like next to a fireplace.


10 Impressive Facts About the Christmas Cactus

Many different gifts will be given to you during the Christmas season, but one of the most unique gifts is a Christmas cactus. It's a common house plant that tends to bloom at the end of December but one that's beautiful all year long. Christmas cacti are fairly easy to grow and are available in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. They come in red, green, pink, purple, yellow, white, and variegated. Some varieties are bushy and rounded, while others are tall and slender. Some look like small Christmas trees, while others look like large palm trees.
  1. One of the most beautiful things about Christmas cacti is that they’re very low-maintenance. As long as you give them a bright, sunny window and some water, they’ll thrive.

  2. Another beautiful thing about them is that most varieties are fragrant. This makes them more unique than you might expect.

  3. Christmas cacti produce flowers at the end of December or January. They can last for months and months.

  4. Christmas cacti come in a range of colors. Some are white. Some are pink. Some are red. Some are orange. Some are yellow. Some are even green!

  5. Most varieties of Christmas cacti are hardy. This means that they can thrive outside in the summer, which is helpful for people who live in areas with cold winters.

  6. Christmas cacti are fairly easy to grow. They bloom even with minimal care, so you may be able to get some beautiful flowers without a lot of effort.

  7. Christmas cacti come in many varieties, so there’s a plant that will suit just about any room.

  8. Christmas cacti appreciate different levels of warmth. Some varieties require a little more heat than others, depending on whether you live in a warm or cool climate.

  9. Christmas cacti are easy to care for. If you give them the right amount of sun and water and pay attention to when they need to be watered, they’ll thrive.

  10. Christmas cacti are easy and inexpensive to care for. Christmas cacti are very inexpensive. Most varieties won’t cost more than $10.”


Specialty Of Christmas Cactus

  • A Christmas cactus is something you wouldn't typically receive as a gift, but it's truly unique. It's a relatively common house plant that tends to bloom at the end of December but it is beautiful all year long.

  • Christmas cactuses are tropical plants, so they require warm temperatures and high humidity to thrive. The temperatures in the wintertime are generally too cold and too dry for them. Therefore, you will need to place them in a warmer environment.

  • Some Christmas cactus plants do well if the temperature is kept between 68 and 78 degrees, while others need 80 to 90 degrees. The humidity needs around 70 to 80 percent for optimal growth.

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