
Growing vegetables from kitchen scraps

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Growing vegetables from kitchen scraps

There are a thousand little ways we can make environmentally friendly choices in the zero waste kitchen. Regrowing vegetable scraps is just one of them. For an easy start with quick results, begin with green onion and garlic. Place about 3 inches of the white part of green onion – with the roots attached – in a jar and in a few days, you’ll start to see regrowth.   For garlic, choose a whole bulb or individual cloves that have started to send out green sprouts – we tend to see this a lot in the winter months as the...

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How to grow Mint

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How to grow Mint

There is not really much that mint needs besides moisture and rich soil. It is pretty hard to kill a mint plant. The only maintenance required will be to make sure that you keep the mint in check and watch for overgrowth. It will take over your garden if you let it. Harvest or shear the plants to keep them lush with leaves.

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Tips to grow Cilantro indoors

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Tips to grow Cilantro indoors

Cilantro growing indoors needs more nutrition because the root system range is limited and can’t access as much soil for nutrients as it would in your garden. The soil when planting cilantro indoors should be a mixture of potting soil and sand to allow water to move freely. In addition, you can use a fertilizer of liquid fish emulsion or chemical formulation of 20-20-20 to add additional nutrients. Use half concentrations of the fertilizers bi-weekly during the active growing periods.Thorough watering is more important than frequent watering when growing cilantro inside. Water the plants until the water comes out the...

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How to grow spinach

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How to grow spinach

Spinach is a hardy and simple crop to plant in the early spring and in some climates, fall months. This cool-season crop’s dark green leaves need plenty of nitrogen and a temperature between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit.1.Prep the soil. Prepare your soil by loosening it about a foot deep. Soil should be nitrogen-rich and well-draining. Sow seeds directly into your garden soil outside—it is not recommended to start spinach seeds indoors, as spinach have delicate roots and don’t do well with transplanting. 2.Plant the seeds. Plant spinach seeds about a half to one inch deep in your garden, covering...

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Finding the Best Metal Plant Stand in the Market

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Finding the Best Metal Plant Stand in the Market

Traditionally, a plant stand came in only two styles: mid-century types and others came in a more book-shelf design. The book-shelf type had a few shelves where you can place your small plants.  Thankfully, currently, there are several metal plant stands that will improve your overall interior and exterior design. Here’s the catch; it’s not easy to find the right metal planter for your home. But don’t worry. With a little bit of guidance, you will be able to find the right metal plant stand. Let’s take a look at some of the considerations you should have in mind when...

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