What Perennial Flowers You Should Grow Now?
Posted by Cocoyard Garden Supply on

Perennial Flowers Even though plants have been around for hundreds of millions of years, some perennial species only began to appear about 20 million years ago. The oldest living perennials are members of the iris family. These plants flower in early spring and early summer and have large leaves with narrow, toothed edges. In the wild, iris grow in meadows and along streams.Some perennials like yarrow, delphinium, and foxgloves look very exotic and old-fashioned. Others such as lavender, foxgloves, and peonies are very modern. Perennials are attractive because they flower continuously from spring to fall. Semi-evergreen perennials, such as azaleas...
Autumn Garden Ideas and Tips for Fall Garden Maintenance
Posted by Cocoyard Garden Supply on

A little pre-planning and preparation in the fall will help you get ready for the spring season. Cleaning up beds, managing soils, preparing sod, and minimizing difficulties for the next growing season are all things to do in the autumn. It's also time to sow spring-blooming bulbs and remove summer-blooming tenders. Fall garden preparation is one of those maintenance tasks that will ensure a beautiful and productive garden the following season. For a worry-free winter and more free time in the spring, follow a few fall gardening techniques. Fall is the perfect time to unwind and put the garden to...
Snake plant Propagation Tips
Posted by Cocoyard Garden Supply on

Snake Plant Propagation Propagating snake plants is easy, but it might take a while for you to grow enough extra plants to fill a pot. Snake plants, or Sansevierias, are easy to maintain. They thrive with bright light, infrequent watering, and low maintenance. They are often mistaken for cacti, but they're succulents. Snake plants come in several varieties, but all have smooth, shiny, dark green leaves. Although they come from tropical regions, snake plants grow well indoors in a bright, sunny room. They prefer high humidity, but not so wet that the leaves rot. Snake plants are hardy and easy...
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Herbal Tea Garden
Posted by Cocoyard Garden Supply on

Herbal teas are easy-to-made and very popular among herbalists and herbal enthusiasts for their powerful health benefits. Herbal teas can be consumed fresh or frozen for later consumption. They have been used for thousands of years to help heal diseases and infections as well as provide aesthetic benefits to the face. Herbal teas have become increasingly popular in recent years as alternative health practitioners and herbalists began to use them to treat a variety of health issues. Herbal tea gardens have also become popular since the addition of flowers and plants to improve the environment within which the tea is...
An Ultimate Guide on How to Freeze or Dry Your Fresh Herbs
Posted by Cocoyard Garden Supply on

It takes a lot of care and time to grow garden herbs, and the feeling of harvesting them and using fresh herbs in cooking, especially in summer, it's a blessing in itself. Sadly, like summer itself, it's all momentary. But, no need to be sad, now it is easy to increase the shelf life of herbs whether you pick them from your home garden or buy the whole stem from the store. Moreover, these herbs can be used for at least the next six months. This blog will tell the methods of how to freeze or dry your fresh herbs....