Autumn Garden Ideas and Tips for Fall Garden Maintenance
Posted by Cocoyard Garden Supply on
A little pre-planning and preparation in the fall will help you get ready for the spring season. Cleaning up beds, managing soils, preparing sod, and minimizing difficulties for the next growing season are all things to do in the autumn. It's also time to sow spring-blooming bulbs and remove summer-blooming tenders. Fall garden preparation is one of those maintenance tasks that will ensure a beautiful and productive garden the following season. For a worry-free winter and more free time in the spring, follow a few fall gardening techniques.
Fall is the perfect time to unwind and put the garden to rest. You can save time next spring when the growing season starts by getting ready now. Check off these items on your to-do list as soon as possible to avoid being caught off guard by an early heavy frost or snowfall. Then sit back and daydream about your garden for next year to get you through the darkest days of winter.
Planting and caring for your garden in the fall require only a few simple steps.
Growing in the fall
Removing dead plants
Fertilizing the soil
Make row covers to extend the growing season,
Mulch your beds
Prune your trees and plants.
Cover the ground with cover crops
Plant trees and flowers.
Fall Garden Maintenance
Fall garden maintenance before winter improves the appearance of the yard and ensures that vulnerable plants receive some treatment before the cold weather arrives. There are some helpful gardening tips for the fall season;-
New Plants Being Planted
- Asters
- Pansies
- Kale
- Chrysanthemums
- Cyclamen
Properly Disposing of Old and Undesired Growth
It is also a good opportunity to get rid of native weeds. Because many of your plants will drop leaves or dieback, now is a good opportunity to apply a foliar, systemic herbicide to those problematic plants, such as sunflowers.
The Garden should be put to bed
It's an excellent time to divide and transfer wildflowers now that the temperature is colder. To give plants time to recover from transplant shock and establish new roots, do this at least three weeks before your usual first hard frost.

Consider the coming of spring
Include a Component of Long-term Sustainability
Make eco-friendly cleaning procedures a part of your fall cleaning regimen. Instead of bagging and dragging away fallen leaves, shred them finely with a mower and layer or work them into beds to improve the soil. Place any leftovers in the compost bin. Winterize compost by covering it with a thick layer of leaves or straw to capture the heat produced as organic matter decomposes. Cover with a permeable fabric to allow moisture to pass through while also keeping the material from blowing away.
Encourage Wildlife to Grow
Keep your Planters Safe
Yield the Stock
The process of planning a fall garden is similar to that of planning a spring garden. Simply keep an eye on the weather and prepare a plan to protect your plants from frost at night. Remember there are plenty of fall flowers to keep the beautiful and beneficial insects pleased.